In Cambodian culture there is a saying: "Boys are like gold, and girls are like cloth." No matter how tarnished gold becomes, it still retains its value. Conversely, cloth when is soiled and damaged it is thrown out.
Once a girl is sold into sexual slavery, she is soiled. Even if she is able to earn enough money to pay off the family's debt, the reason she was sold in the first place, she is not wanted back. In the eyes of her family and people, she has lost all value and honor.
When I traveled here last year, I thought, "How do we change a parent's mind when they think their child has no value?" I don't think this is an intellectual argument. How do we change an entire culture that thinks girls are like cloth? I realized it wasn't minds we needed to change, but hearts.
Ultimately, I feel it can only happen with the love of Jesus and the realization that God has made us in his image. We have his characteristics, and with that we know all people have dignity and value.
The Cambodians are a warm and loving people. Their hearts are open to hear the gospel. We just need to show them Jesus.
- Clay Cranford
What a blessing to be Jesus hands and feet over there! I am praying for your success in sharing his heart with them. D.