Tuesday, March 1, 2016

God shines on the faces of hardship

The Killing Fields....the Brick Factories...the intense poverty...in just the few days I have seen a steady stream of heart breaking hardship in the lives of the Cambodian people, but through it all God shines through the faces, hearts and hands of the people at AIM's Rahab House.

Our first full day started at church with the joyful praises and high energy worship lead by the disciples (teenage leaders within the community.  These 25 (or more) - 13 to 20 year olds are my new favorite unsung heros! My little energizer bunnies for God!!!!

Fuz has been leading a study on the creation accounts in the Bible.  How wonderful it is to see their eagerness to dig deep into God's word!  As soon as the 2 hour Bible Study ended, we were in the van and off to a Brick Factory handing out rice to families who have next to nothing living in a tin shack.  There I saw the disciples praying, talking and loving on everyone that they see.

After a quick lunch, the disciples are bringing structure to the organized chaos of Kid's Club with love and levity - the kind that you see in a big family. After we left the Rahab House, the disciples had more ministry to finish before they could sleep - at the Rahab House - of course!

There is always seems to be a flurry of activity at the Rahab house. As Clay said today it's like the Walmart of ministry.  There's activity there 24/7!  I know for sure that God's love shines through the faces, hearts and hands of the disciples (and many others) at the Rahab House bringing joy, comfort and hope to people in the midst of their hardship.

Love is a verb,

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