Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Foreigners Now Welcome

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It was a busy day today. We left for Rahab’s House around 7:30 am. After a 45-minute drive through some intense traffic, we arrived at our destination. Clay made his way to the Lord’s Gym. Suzie, Amy, and I started our preparations for Kid’s Club. At 9:00 am, we began the Bible Study with the disciples. At 11:00 am Suzie, Clay, and I made a trip to another brick factory to hand out rice and present a Gospel skit. Meanwhile Amy went with an AIM staffer to buy bibles and some other items for the AEC Retreat this weekend. (Poor Amy ended up going without lunch.) We had a quick lunch and then back to work, prepping for Kid’s Club at 2:00 pm, as Clay headed back to Lord’s Gym. Kid’s Club was intense today. We had about 50 more kids than yesterday. When the kids were gone and the room was cleaned around 4:00 pm. All the activities and the heat and humidity had finally gotten to me. I was spent. Even though we are only a few days into the trip, I began to wonder if we are really making a difference at all by being here in Cambodia.

And then God “gave me a rose.”

On my way out, I got into a great conversation with a staff member at Rahab’s House. Today was his first day working at the church. We talked about all kinds of things, including what to expect as he transitioned from work in the private sector to ministry. I made the same transition 17 years ago and was able to offer him some counsel and encouragement.

And then he told me something that sent chills up and down my spine and reminded me why it is so important for our team to be in Svay Pak working with AIM. He said a few years ago the people of Svay Pak were afraid of foreigners. Because foreigners came to their small community for one reason: to rape little girls. But he said that has all changed thanks to the many churches over the years (including NewSong Church) who have sent teams to work with AIM and Rahab’s House. Now the people of Svay Pak are happy to see foreigners. Why? Because Christians have come to this small community to serve and bless the people. They bring rice and the Gospel to the people at the brick factories. They bring medicine and serve at the medical clinic at Rahab’s House. They help with Kid’s Club and at the Lord’s Gym. They bring supplies for the school at Rahab’s House. And the list goes on and on. We are making a difference. What we do, does count. Each day that a foreign Christian comes to Svay Pak and offers Christ love in a tangible way to the people is one less foreigner who shows up to harm an innocent child and exploit the people of Cambodia. And it is one more day that this community is blessed.

This change in attitude was not the result of some grandiose act nor did it happen over night. But it came about because God’s people kept arriving in Svay Pak, doing the little things. And the little things have added up.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation. (Isaiah 52:7)

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